Outerbanks Inspired Couple Shoot in Wilmington with Abigail & Hunter

Wilmington Couple Photos with Abigail and Hunter

Couples photography is such a fun way to take a break from your busy schedule in order to enjoy a fun date with your significant other. It can feel like you’re on a date with your own personal paparazzi, documenting all the candid moments. For me as a photographer, it’s a great way to explore new places around the Raleigh Durham Area but even beyond, like for example the beach!

Abby & Hunter & I experienced a fun afternoon couples shoot where we had a more themed shoot that encompassed the easy breezy beach life. Abby and I have been friends forever and I have done so many shoots with her and it’s always fun exploring new themes and ideas that she and I may have.

Having a themed shoot can be such a great way for the couple to connect with each other (whether it is an idea from a show or a movie or just something that is drawn from a place or time that you both enjoy!)

When it comes to a theme regarding a show or movie, I feel like you are taking a small part of your day to day routine and something that you love to do together and essentially allowing yourself to experience it on a new, intimate level. When it comes to a location themed shoot like this beach themed one, you are finding a common ground or maybe even a new place you’ve never been with your significant other and embracing it on a fun new level! From finding the perfect outfit to finding the perfect location, it’s a great way for couples to take something that is well known and make it more personable and memorable, it allows the couple to make the memory their own!

Three Region Photography is a premiere wedding photographer serving the raleigh, durham, CHapel Hill AREA