Connecting and Reconnecting: Perks of Being a Photographer
I had the chance to document Ellese and Blake’s wedding day at Forest Hall at Chatham Mills back in 2020!
Catching up during this family shoot, I had the honor of meeting their little boy. I think the most magical part of being a photographer is the chance to meet new people and get to know them. Forming connections is such a huge part of the business, but also at the end of the day you walk away with new friends and people that you end up forming a trauma bond with (because weddings truly can be traumatically beautiful).
I have had so many past brides reach out for family photos like Ellese, but also to reach out and talk about books or music, two other things I am quite passionate about. I also do tend to scroll instagram a lot (it’s part of the job, I swear) and I’ll see little updates on where people have ended up in life and it’s so fun to watch as couples grow into a family of three or see that someone finally proposed to their significant other. It’s truly a joy to work with such a variety of lovely and energetic people.
So for those checking in from past projects, I hope you are doing well and don’t be afraid to reach out and say “hey let’s get a coffee.” And for those who are scrolling and seeing if we are a fit, know that you are about to find not just a photographer for your needs but also a lifetime friend!