Durham Courthouse Wedding with Lindsey & Daniel


Microweddings and elopements are one of the more common weddings I have been shooting, especially since the pandemic. Maybe it’s the realization that it is a more intimate scene or maybe people are realizing that love doesn’t always need the razzle dazzle of a showy wedding. And in this case, Lindsey and Daniel both decided to get married in her hometown courthouse to avoid the extra “frills”.

Lindsey and Daniel met in Guam while he was serving in the navy and she was working at a local hospital. The both of them found themselves assigned as dive buddies for a scuba diving class and from that one interaction, they realized they had hit it off! They both found that they had a love for the tropical island life and are both big fans of the outdoors.

Because of this shared value, they wanted to take outdoor candids and posed portraits after their ceremony around the American Tobacco District and try to fit in as much nature as they could around the Orange County Courthouse. When you think of a courthouse wedding, people often only picture standing in front of a magistrate and saying a quick “I do.” But if you take the time to plan it out, there are actually so many places close by where you can still get the fancy shots, from the top of parking garages to your house in a documentary style coverage.

As a photographer, I am here to capture everything you want for your big day, so don’t be afraid to reach out and tell me what you have in mind and show me your mood boards! I’d love to make it happen!


Venue: Durham Courthouse

Three Region Photography is a premiere wedding photographer serving the raleigh, durham, CHapel Hill AREA