COVEN 2024: Between Worlds - Ghosts in the Cemetery

Ghosts in the Cemetery Themed Shoot in Downtown Raleigh

This year for our annual gathering of badass women gathering in the spirit of halloween, we took our Coven shoot to a local cemetery. I always look forward to our Coven shoot every year because I love seeing the different interpretations of the theme and watching my mood board come to life.

As you flip through this gallery, you’ll see how each woman found different versions of lace and tulle in shades of creams and whites to create ghostly scenes. Everyone showed up with their pale faced, dark rimmed eye looks to help create the hauntingly, eery scenes of ghosts between worlds in the cemetery.

I loved how my friends embraced the background and threw themselves across rocks and tombstones or laid beneath benches to add a dramatic flair to our photos. Some came with veils that we draped across their bodies and the autumn breeze helped carry them in the air as if our “ghost” characters were floating. The Raleigh skyline sat prettily in the background against the dark and moody atmosphere that we created in our cemetery scene.

And as dusk arrived, we all gathered for an eerie group photo, which if I do say so myself, deserves to be hung in the Louvre.

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