Spring Family Photos with Tabitha & Jette at Raleigh Rose Garden

Raleigh Rose Garden Family Session with Tabitha and Jette

This isn’t the first time I captured photos of Dexter and Bilbo, Tabitha’s sweet pups. We’ve previously worked together on a Dog Days of Summer project back in 2020. It was an adorable way to capture the love Tabitha and her pups share.

This time, however, I had the wonderful opportunity to capture a full Spring family portrait of Tabitha, her boyfriend, Jette, and her pups. The flowers were all in full bloom and the Dexter and Bilbo had a wonderful time chasing one another and leading the show.

I love having the opportunity to work with families and their fur babies. It’s always a wonderful way to capture the love and adoration that the furry ones have for their humans, and to show off their personalities. It’s also a wonderful way to capture memories that will be cherished for years to come.

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