Mid-Century Modern Couple Session - Kate & Stephen

Have you ever heard of Deck Houses?

Well Kate and Stephen (who you might remember from this session at their home in Raleigh) have moved away from my city and for good reason! They scored an amazing mid-century house that is truly swoon worthy. They decided to make the most of a Wednesday and took the day off to drink 40’s and hang out in their hot tub, and update their Christmas photo (months in advance) because let’s be honest who doesn’t want to check that off their to-do list.

Kate is also a part of the Three Region team and is my assistant! She’s been checking my calendar and answering emails behind the scenes to make sure I don’t miss appointments. I had an absolute blast just hanging out and yes, I did take a dip in the fancy hot tub!

Next time I’ll stay for longer and utilize that bar! Til then fall in love with their swoon-worthy house or follow along on her Instagram page here.