The Doctorette - Wild Flowers Session

Okay so I’m not going to lie, when Nicole and I get together it’s basically magic. Nicole always comes prepared with amazing outfits, these of course being from the Christy Dawn collection. Also these photos scored us a really cool opportunity coming up in October I can’t wait to share with ya’ll. But once you see those photos it’s going to be E P I C.

For this session I was really inspired by old american paintings in the museum, the main one being Andrew Wyeth’s - Christina’s World. - I loved the way the grass swarmed around her, and thankfully the wind was in my favor that day. We did however both get destroyed by some nasty southern bugs while we were there, but the art was worth it as we both declared. One of the main things I love about taking a portrait of Nicole in Raleigh is that she always comes with multiple looks. We went from high art farm girl, to garden girl in under 3 minutes. I absoultely love the wildflower fields that NCMA has planted over these last few years and I hope they continue to do these as not only are they popular for my clients but give us all a little sunshine in these dark times. I’ve seen so many butterflies, bees, and birds there that it was actually soothing, if you pretend that it isn’t 100 degrees everyday.

anyways, I hope you enjoy The Doctorette in the Wild, and keep your eyes peeled for some really amazing stuff coming up.