Generation Family Photos in Cary - Raleigh Family Photographer

I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, I don’t think people take enough photos together. I know that when my grandmother died a few years ago, I realized the last family photo we had together was from when I was little. Sure, I know people always say they hate having their photo taken, or it’s too much of a hassle, but as a photographer, who has hundreds of photographs printed throughout my home, I always regret the ones I didn’t take, not the ones I did. When this lovely family reached out to me about taking generational photos I was psyched. I absolutely wanted to preserve these family memories for them (and I ended up making a great friend in the process)

If you’re thinking about family photos, don’t hesitate. I mean really? What are you waiting for? You never know when you’re going to want to have those memories to look back on.