Katie - The Luxe Mane, 1 year branding session

As a small business owner I understand completely the celebration one feels after a successful year in business. And Katie has just celebrated her 1 year mark as being her own boss as a hair stylist. The Luxe Mane was born (add stuff maybe from the bio in her website)

My camera actually broke in the middle of our session at North Hills! It was the craziest experience and I realized that you can actually take TOO many photos that your camera finally disentegrates. I ran to my favorite camera store, Peace Camera and got them to take a look, before I realized I’d have to send it off to Nikon for a replacement.

The rain stopped and we were able to finish her session at the The Dillion Raleigh rooftop, where she wanted to go to begin with but time hadn’t allowed. So needless to say sometimes things work out in the end.