Three Region Photography

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Kait & Chris - Wildflower Engagement Photographer at NCMA

Whoa! It’s almost fall and I can’t believe this post hadn’t been published, especially since it was at the height of the August heat and definitely a picture perfect, summer moment. Then again with 2020 being as crazy as it is, I’m surprised I’m getting any blogging done at this point.

Anywho —- when my friend Joanna posted a session in these gorgeous flower fields I was certain she had traveled to the other side of the country, for NC never has wildflower fields like this and if they do they are on the side of the freeway, protected my private property and no trespassing signs in threat of federal prosecution (seriously ya’ll don’t stop on the side of the road to take photos)

So when I asked her where this was….. knowing for certain she was going to say Montana etc…. she told me it was at the NCMA! I was shocked, stunned, surprised…. basically every S word in the book! Instantly I hopped online to find a willing participant to take photos with and that’s where Kait came in. We had actually worked together before on a wedding long long ago and she had been following me ever since. I got to sweat a little bit under the sun but I think we can both agree it was worth it.

If you’ve been wanting portraits done at the NCMA now is the time. With Covid the park and walking trails have actually been pretty lack-luster especially on the weekdays and I’d love to be able to capture some magic for you.